
HarLib is an open source Java library for the HTTP Archive Specification (HAR) v1.2.

HarLib v1.1.2 is now available (see download link at the bottom of this page).

Main features


The API is very intuitive and maps all JSON objects to Java objects. HarLib relies on Jackson for the parsing. You can use the HarLib version that is already integrated with Jackson or add the Jackson jar to your classpath.

Here is an example on how to read/write HAR files with HarLib.

import edu.umass.cs.benchlab.har.*


    File f = new File(fileName);

    HarFileReader r = new HarFileReader();

    HarFileWriter w = new HarFileWriter();



      System.out.println("Reading " + fileName);

      HarLog log = r.readHarFile(f);

      // Access all elements as objects

      HarBrowser browser = log.getBrowser();

      HarEntries entries = log.getEntries();

      List<HarPage> pages = log.getPages().getPages();

      for (HarPage page : pages)


        System.out.println("page start time: "

            + ISO8601DateFormatter.format(page.getStartedDateTime()));

        System.out.println("page id: " + page.getId());

        System.out.println("page title: "+page.getTitle());


               // Once you are done manipulating the objects, write back to a file

      System.out.println("Writing " + fileName + ".test");

      File f2 = new File(fileName + ".test");

      w.writeHarFile(log, f2);


    catch (JsonParseException e)



      fail("Parsing error during test");


    catch (IOException e)



      fail("IO exception during test");


Here is another example using a Derby database for storing HAR data.

    // Read a HAR file

    File f = new File("test.har");

    HarFileReader r = new HarFileReader();

    HarLog log = r.readHarFile(f);

    // Define your JDBC data source and write to the database

    HarDatabaseConfig config = new HarDatabaseConfig(


       "jdbc:derby:harlibtest;create=true", "SA", "", "writetest", null,

       null, null, null, null);


New support for corrupted HAR files that have missing elements or other violations to the specification in version 1.1. This stills allows you to read most of a file even if some parts are corrupted.

// Read a potentially corrupted HAR file

File f = new File(fileName);

HarFileReader r = new HarFileReader();



  // All violations of the specification generate warnings

  List<HarWarning> warnings = new ArrayList<HarWarning>();

  HarLog l = r.readHarFile(f, warnings);

  for (HarWarning w : warnings)

    System.out.println("File:" + fileName + " - Warning:" + w);


catch (JsonParseException e)



  fail("Parsing error during test");


catch (IOException e)



  fail("IO exception during test");



HarLib can be downloaded from the BenchLab project repository at https://sourceforge.net/projects/benchlab/files/HarLib/

You will find the following files (where xxx is the version number):